The Anne Beadell Highway (ABH), named by Len after his wife, formed a critical east-west link in the Woomera range road network and formed the back bone off which many of his outback roads linked. Traversing roughly 1,325km of South and West Australian desert country the ABH runs through some of the most remote, desolate and waterless terrain on the Australian continent – this blog covers our 2022 traverse of this majestic country.
Tag: Maralinga
Back to the desert
For some time I’ve toyed with the idea of traversing some of the roads constructed in the 1950s and 60s to service the British atomic testing program – when half way across the Simpson Desert on our recent trip we decided to make the trip a reality and started making plans to journey coast to coast through the very heart of Australia’s most remote deserts on the Len Beadell road network.